Textbook of elementary statistics / by A.K. Sharma by Sharma, A.K. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House pvt.Ltd., 2017Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (6)Call number: 519.5 SHA/T, ...
Financial management : Theory and practice / by Prasanna Chandra by Chandra, Prasanna. Edition: 10th ed.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: Tamilnadu: Mc Graw Hill, 2020Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (25)Call number: 658.15 CHA/F, ... Not available: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY: Checked out (1).
Fundamentals of statistical mechanics / by B.B. Laud by Laud, B.B. Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: New Age International Ltd. Publishers, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 530.13 LAU/F.
Capital and exploitation / by John Weeks by Weeks, John. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: USA: Princeton University Press, 1981Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 330.122 WEE/C.
Monetary theory / by H.L. Bhatia by Bhatia, H.L. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1984Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 332.401 BHA/M.
Classical electrodynamics / by John David Jackson by Jackson, John David. Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2011Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 536.6 JAC/C.
Complex variable methods in elasticity / by A.H. England by England, A.H. Material type: Text; Format:
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Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New York: Dover Publications Inc., 2003Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 531.382 ENG/C.
Human nutrition / by B. Srilakshmi by Srilakshmi, B. Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: New Age International Ltd. Publishers, 2009Availability: Not available: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY: Checked out (1).
The mathematical theory of quantitative genetics / by M.G. Bulmer by Bulmer, M.G. Material type: Text; Format:
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Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New York: Oxford University Press, 1985Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (2)Call number: 575.1018 BUL/T, ...
Basic Food Science and Technology / by S.M. Reddy by Reddy ,S.M. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publication details: New Delhi : New Age International , 2015Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 664 RED/B.