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  • Library will be opened from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM, While the Text Book section will be opened from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM (Except Sundays and Institutional Holidays).
  • While entering the library, users have to keep all the belongings in the property counter and put their signature in Register.
  • Only registered members are allowed to use the library and outsiders are not allowed to use the library without the permission of the Librarian.
  • All members shall pay a non-refundable registration fee of Rs.100/- at the time of enrollment.
  • No users will be allowed to avail library facility without valid library card and the borrower cards are not transferable. Users must not lend their Card to other for borrowing the books from the Library. Library facilities will be withdrawn for users misusing the Library Cards.
  • Users should maintain peace in the library, and should not disturb other readers in the library; otherwise library facility will be withdrawn.
  • While entering into the library users must keep their Mobile Phone in silent mode.
  • Borrowing privileges for different category of users:

Category of Users

No. of Books

Loan Period

Students (UG/PG)

4 Books

30 Days

M. Phil

4 Books

30 Days


4 Books

30 Days


5 Books

30 Days

Officers & Staff

5 Books

30 Days

  • Issued books can be renewed on or before the due date to avoid library fine. Further a book borrowed may be renewed, not more than twice, provided that there is no demand for the book. Borrowers wishing to renew a book shall physically produce the book at the counter at the time of renewal.
  • If Books returned after the due date, the fine of Rs. 0.25/- will be charged per day per book.
  • Loss of Borrowed Materials: Loss of book(s) or any other material borrowed from the library must be immediately reported to the Librarian. The borrower shall either replace the lost book with an undamaged copy of the same or pay the replacement cost along with handling charges and retention fee, if any, as per rules.
  • Reference books, theses, unbound issues of journals, periodicals, newspapers and technical reports are not issued out of the library to anybody.
  • Users are allowed to borrow library materials 15 minutes before library closure.
  • No dues certificate will only be issued to the users after returning all the library books, clearance of library dues (if any) and submission of Library Card.
  • Marking library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case, the last reader will be held responsible unless he points out the previous damage to the Librarian at the time of issue.
  • Personal books are not allowed inside the Library under any circumstances.
  • Students should not disturb the arrangements of the library materials and furniture.
  • In case a user loses the Library Card, it should be immediately reported to the Librarian and should apply for Duplicate Library Card by paying a fee of Rs. 50/- per Card.
  • Unauthorized removal of books or damaging the property of library or misbehavior with library staff shall be considered as an act of indiscipline, which will call for strict action by the Authority.
  • It is mandatory for all members who are using facilities to follow the library rules & regulations. For any dispute or problem, the Librarian may be contacted.
  • All members of the library team are available for any assistance you may need in using the library resources, facilities & services. Library will welcome any suggestion for better use of library facilities.



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