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The central library of Sambalpur University was established in the year 1970 after three years of inception of Sambalpur University in 1967. It was named as Professor Bhubaneswar Behera Central Library in the name of fourth Vice Chancellor Professor Bhubaneswar Behera.The central library, a 3 storied building is spreaded over 27,450 square feet and comprises large reading rooms, textbooks section, reference section, periodical section, theses section and administrative sections. It aims at selecting, acquiring, storing, retrieving and disseminating information for the benefit of academic community of Sambalpur University. Resources of central library comprise of excellent collection of books, reports, journals, theses, and electronic resources. The holdings of the library consist of more than 1.5 Lakhs of books, 9000+ full text e-journals, 343 e-books, 16 online databases, and 14777 bound volumes. Through INFLIBNET e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, OSHEC Consortium and direct subscription to e-resources, the library provides access to wide variety of e-resources to its users for their teaching, learning and research assignments.


  • ·To develop and enhance the capability of the library resources and services to meet the demands of the curricular, instructional, and research programs of the academic community of the university;
  • ·To establish an automated library environment to all library operations and services;
  • ·To establish a strong library network with other institutions and agencies in the country and if possible with organizations and agencies from foreign countries by seeking contact with these agencies;
  • ·To strengthen the library's bond to the library patrons by establishing "Friends of the Library" program which would assist in the development of the library collection;
  • ·To provide services that enhance the quest for knowledge and intellectual activity;
  • ·To create various bibliographies and library pathfinders for easy access and retrieval of information.
  • ·To create an atmosphere wherein students, research scholars and faculty may carry on the learning process enjoyable.


Prof. Bhubaneswar Behera Central Library, Sambalpur University strives towards its goal of achieving prominence among the leading University Libraries in the country. 'It is the vision of the Library to support the institution and its stakeholder by providing seamless access to the widest possible spectrum of information resources such as digital, online databases, print and non-print materials relevant to the curricular, informational and innovative research needs of the academic community', means to provide Right Information to the Right Users at the Right Time and in the Right Format.


The mission is to provide University students, research scholars, and faculty members with the information they need to achieve their highest academic potential and help them to acquire their research skills necessary for lifelong learning. To support teaching faculty & administrative staff and to participate in interactive information to exchange within the wider library / educational community.

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