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Your search returned 473 results.

Mogul India: 1653-1708 (vol-iv) / by Niccolao Manucci et.an

by Manucci, Niccolao; Irvine, William.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New Delhi, INDIA: Atlantic Publishers, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (3)Call number: 954.025 MAN/M, ...

Introduction to econometrics / by G.S. Maddal

by : Maddala, G. S.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 330.015 MAD/I.

Ajaya-Sri recent studies in Indology : Prof. Ajay Mitra Shastri felicitation volume (Vol-2) / by Devendra Handa

by Handa, Devendra.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: Delhi; SundeepPrakanshan, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 954 HAN/A.

Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer / by David A.Lien

by Lien, David A.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: BPB PUBLICATIONS , 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 001.6424 LIE/L.

The Americana annual: 1989 / by Jeffrey H. Hacker et.al

by Hacker, Jeffrey H.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: USA: Grolier, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 031 HAC/T.

Facts about the presidents: A compilation of biographical and historical information / by Joseph Nathan Kane

by Kane, Joseph Nathan.

Edition: 5th ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New York, The H. W. Wilson, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 973.099 KAN/F.

Of The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity Preface Book I Book II /by Richard Hooker

by Hooker ,Richard.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 262.983 HOO/O.

The Akbar Nama of ABU-L-FAZL / by H. Beveridge

by Beveridge, H.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic publishers & Distributors, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (2)Call number: 954.025 BEV/T, ...

history of the rise of the mahomedan power in India / by Joh Briggs et.al.

by Briggs, John.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & distributors, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 954 BRI/H.

Real analysis / by H. L. Royen

by Royen, H. L.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New york: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 151.8 ROY/R.

3000 solved problems in linear algebra / by Seymour Lipschutz

by Lipschutz, Seymour.

Series: Schaum's solvel problems seriesMaterial type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: new york: McGraw-hill book company, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 512.5 LIP/L.

Mathematical Programming / by Steven Vajda

by Vajda, Steven.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New York Dover Publications 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 519.7 VAJ/M.

Introductory functional analysis with application / by Erwin Kreyzig

by Kreyszig, Erwin.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: Wiley India 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 515.7 KRE/I.

Comparative guide to American colleges for students, parents, and counselors /by James Cass and Max Birnbaum

by Cass, James and Birnbaum, Max.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: Grand Rapids Harper and Row 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 378.73 CAS/A.

The statistical analysis of Discrete data / by Thomas J. santner ; Diane E. Duffy

by Santner, Thomas J ; Duffy, Diane E.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New York: Springer-Verlag, New York Inc. 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 519.535 SAN/T.

Topics in functional analysis and applications / by S. Kesavan

by Kesavan, S.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Wiley Eastern Limited 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 515.7 KES/T.

Algebras of Pseudodifferential operators / by B. A. Plamenevskii

by Plamenevskii, B. A.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: Netherlands: Kluwer Academi Publishers, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 515.7242 PLA/A.

Introduction to queueing theory / by B. V. Gnedenko

by Gnedenko, B. V.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: USA Birkhauser 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 519.82 GNE/I.

Problems and solutions on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics ed by Yung-kuo Lim

by Lim, Yung-kuo.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Sarat Book House 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 536.7 LIM/P.

Global climate change linkages : acid rain, air quality, and stratospheric ozone : proceedings of a conference /Edited by James C. White

by White, James C.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Publication details: New York Elsevier 1989Availability: Items available for loan: PROF. BHUBANESWAR BEHERA CENTRAL LIBRARY (1)Call number: 614.71 WHI/G.


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